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Service for generating product cards for marketplaces
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/ task
The platform allows sellers on marketplaces (e.g. Amazon) to process images by adding additional images, pointers, and labels with additional information. Within the framework of this project, our team set the goal to develop a system capable of automating the process of image processing. Thus, the user could not spend time on manual arrangement of all the elements on the product image, but use automatic generation of infographics, which the user can edit independently at will.
/ Solution
While working on the project, our team utilized the data collected and was able to train a segmentation model that segmented the product from the background. Next, an algorithm was developed to position labels and infographics on the background of the image in such a way that they would not cover the image of the product itself. A full API was implemented for the developed model and algorithms, which they were able to quickly and efficiently integrate into the existing system.
/ technologies
Python, PyTorch, Zephyr/Mistral LLMs, Docker, Git, Linux, OpenAI API, Flask, FastAPI.